Best Student Counselling In Nagpur
Learning process can be an exciting and dynamic experience for students, but at times it can also present some challenges. Along with the obvious academic pressures, students may deal with stresses related to:
- Physical or mental illness (e.g., depression, anxiety)
- Family issues
- Identity confusion
- Time management
- The end of important relationships
- Illness or death of a loved one
- Moving away from home
- Financial concerns
Student Counselling is a therapy by trained mental health professionals help students work through their difficulty. It aims towards providing support to students in crisis. Evidence-based self help resources, workshops, one to one counseling, consultation and training at counselling help students better manage themselves and find ways of managing their situation.
Student counseling in Nagpur involves a series of sessions where the
- Counsellor and student discuss about the student’s issues and feelings.
- The sessions occur at a regular, agreed time.
- Counselling may involve sharing of life events, feelings, relationships, emotions, thinking and behavior patterns.
- Counsellor will listen to students, encourage and empathize them.
- Help the student to get a clear insight of their issues or in a different way.
The vision of student counselling is to empower students to reach their academic, personal and career goals.
We promote student success by helping them with:
- Mental health and life concerns
- Learning and academic skills challenges
- Career uncertainty
- Faculty/staff - student communication
We Help Student In Academic problems and Learning related disorders
- Loss of Concentration
- Exam Phobia
- Low Memory
- Hyperactivity
- Forgetting
- Migraine
- Not willing to study
- Handwriting Problems
- Tension
- Headache
- Dyslexia
- Learning Disability
- Concentration skills (ADHD)
- Very Naughty
- Mischievous
- Destructive
- Restless Child
- Weak Attention
We Help Student In Emotional problems
- Exam phobia
- Stomach aches
- Refusal to attend school
- fits
- Psychogenic aches
- Pains
- Anxiety
- Headaches
- Seizures
- Nail biting
- Bed wetting
- Psychogenic stammering
- Depression
- Fears
- thumb sucking
- Involuntary body movements of eyes
- Involuntary body movements of neck
- Involuntary body movements of muscles
We Help Student In Behavior Problems
- Being aggressive
- Answering back
- Stubborn
- Disobedience
- Temper Tantrums
- adamant
- Hitting other school kids
We Help Student in Adjustment Problem
- Lying
- Stealing
- Showing off
- Having relations with opposite sex
- Spending more
- Talking too long over phone
- Keeping bad company
- Adolescent adjustment issues
Our experienced team comprised of professionally qualified counsellors in line with clinical need and counselling provision. We adhere to the ethical framework for counselling. We guarantee confidentiality and data protection during our code of practice. Your counselor is a neutral and experienced person who will not judge or pressure you but work towards the goals that are important to you. Let us join together to identify and practice new strategies to reduce the barriers to your progress. Work in collaboration to reduce painful or hurtful situations “eating at you” from the inside.
Get connected with us to enjoy the hard work at every stage of your learning process.