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We Provide Stammering Treatment In Nagpur

Stammering also called as stuttering or diffluent speech is a speech disorder. It is characterized by:

According to the best stammering specialist in Nagpur, Stuttering particularly affects children ages 2 to 5. Typically, as your child grows, the stuttering will stop. Most children won’t continue to stutter in adulthood. However, some children will continue to stutter as adults. Also, if a child starts stuttering after the ages of 8 to 10, then there is an increased possibility that he will continue to stutter into adulthood.

Types Of Stuttering


It is common in children younger than 5 years during their speech and language development. It usually resolves without treatment.


This type occurs due to the signal abnormality between the brain and nerves or muscles.


This type has its origin in certain part of the brain that governs our thinking and reasoning.

Symptoms Of Stuttering

Causes Of Stammering

Stammering Treatment in Nagpur includes

Speech therapy proves to be very helpful stammering treatment in reducing the speech interruptions. This therapy primarily focuses on speech controlling patterns and helps in monitoring rate of speech, breath support, and laryngeal tension.

One type encourages children to speak slowly by playing an altered recording of their own voice if they start speaking quickly. Other devices are used as hearing aids, which create distracting background noise that’s known to help reduce stuttering.

There are no medications to reduce stuttering episodes.

For More Detail Contact Us With Best Best Stammering Specialist In Nagpur !