Headache and Migraine Treatment in Nagpur
Headaches may be sometimes mild, but in many cases, they can cause serious pain, which makes us difficult to perform daily activities and concentrate at work as well. It is one of the biggest reasons for disturbed family, social and sex life. In spite of being so common, chronic recurrent headache is one of the most misunderstood and neglected of all medical problems. Headache does not get the real attention it deserves. It is always un-diagnosed and inadequately treated. Beliefs about headache need to be changed.
You Should Seek Headache Specialist if You Have Headache:
- Worst headache ever.
- Unusual in terms of its location, severity
- Starts suddenly, or is aggravated by exertion
- Does not respond to home remedies
- Recurs frequently
- Recurrent vomiting
- Dizziness and impaired balance
- Changes in speech
- Vision or behavior
When it comes to headache remedies, you can go for medications to ease your pain, but they aren’t the only option. On the other hand, changing your lifestyle to control stress can work well, too. What works for one person may not prove worth for another. So, it is better to consult our headache doctor to PINPOINT TO TYPE AND CAUSE OF headache.
Types of Headache
- Tension headache
- Migraines
- Cluster headaches
- Sinus headaches
Tension Headaches
A tension headache causes mild, moderate, or intense pain in your head, neck, and behind your eyes. It is classified as
Episodic Tension Headache Symptoms
- It occurs less than 15 days per month.
- Constant band-like pain
- pressure with mild to moderate intensity
- Mostly affects the front, top or sides of the head.
- Pain gradually begins in the middle of the day
- Pain lasts for 30 minutes or several days
Chronic Tension Headache Symptoms
- It lasts for more than 15 days per month
- Pain is experienced consistently
- Pain intensity may vary throughout the day
- Pain is recurring for long time
Symptoms of Tension Headache
- Headache upon awakening
- Difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep
- Chronic fatigue
- Irritability
- Disturbed concentration
- Mild sensitivity to light
- Noise
- General muscle aching
Migraines, one suffers through a pounding pain that can affect the whole head, or can shift from one side of head to other, says migraine specialist doctor in nagpur.
Symptoms of Migraine
- Sensitivity to light
- Noise or odors
- Blurred vision
- Nausea or vomiting
- Stomach upset
- Abdominal pain
- Loss of appetite
- Sensations of being very warm or cold
- Paleness
- Fatigue
- Dizziness
- Fever (rare)
- Bright flashing dots or lights
- Blind spots
- Wavy or jagged lines(aura)
Cluster Headaches Symptoms
- Intense one-sided pain having a burning or piercing quality
- Pain is throbbing or constant
- You feel it behind or around one eye
- Cluster headache usually only last 30 to 90 minutes
- It is as short as 15 minutes or as long as 3 hours, but then they disappear
- Attacks are linked to the circadian rhythm i.e. body's 24-hour clock
Sinus Headaches Symptoms
- Deep and constant pain in the cheekbones
- Forehead or the bridge of the nose
- The pain intensifies with sudden head movement
- It occurs with sinus symptoms such as nasal discharge
- feeling of fullness in the ears
- Fever and facial swelling
Our Effective Headache and Migraine Treatment in Nagpur Includes
- Clinical Hypnotherapy
- Cognitive Behavior Therapy
- Meditation
- Yoga