Early Intervention Service In Nagpur
During the process of development some children experience delays, while other grows normally. Children who have developmental delays and disabilities are highly benefitted from the Early Intervention program.
Are you concerned about the disability your infant or toddler have, then you can go for Early Intervention program in Nagpur – terrific source of help. Early intervention services include a group of parents, service practitioners, and others. The program encompasses natural learning opportunities within the daily routines of a child and their family. Thus, a good platform for infants and toddlers with disabilities to catch up in their development
Early intervention is a vast topic to discuss. Here we present the some basic information to get you started.
To be eligible for services,
- Children’s age must be less than 3 years
- Have a confirmed disability or
- Established developmental delay in physical, cognitive, communication, social-emotional, and/or adaptive.
Early Intervention
- A supporting system for families with children ( age up to 3years), having developmental delays and disabilities
- Provides services and resources to children that enhance daily opportunities for learning
- Gives independence and competencies to families.
- Respects families’ strengths, values and diversity.
Early Intervention supports and services are designed to enhance the child’s development in one or more of the following areas:
- Physical development, including vision and hearing
- Cognitive development
- Communication development
- Social or emotional development
- Adaptive development
- Self-help
The Early Intervention Program in Nagpur offers a variety of therapeutic and support services, including:
- Family education & counseling
- Physical therapy
- Special instruction
- Occupational therapy
- Psychological services
- Nutrition services
- Speech pathology and audiology
- Service coordination
- Nursing services
- Social work services
- Vision services
- assistive technology devices and services
Parents who have questions about their child’s development may contact to us. We will help you in locating resources and providing information regarding child development for children ages birth to age 5. Our Every effort will be centered around addressing special needs or delays of all infants and toddlers.